Monday, October 5, 2009

Jewelry preview

This weekend, I got out my jewelry-making supplies for the first time in far too long, and spent a few hours each morning playing around and making stuff. There are a couple of pieces in this batch that I really love and I'll be getting everything up on etsy in the next day or so.

Here's a sneak peek though:
I'm not using this photo for this reason, but I'm pretty amused by how much is reflected on the surface of the table.
This is from a cache of vintage chandelier pieces I lucked into a few months ago. They're a little heavy, but oh so sparkly!

An old back injury (from a car accident in 2000) has been giving me trouble for the last week or so, but luckily, one of the few things that really help with it is taking long walks. So I spent a fair bit of time perambulating all over the place, including a couple of hours at Green-Wood, where the light was beautiful and the wildflowers were rampant and even the mold was striking.


Ashley said...

please post when you update your shop! everything looks gorgeous. i'm going to need at least 2!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the chysanthemum necklace.